Niklas Lichtenberger, LL.M.


Niklas Lichtenberger

Niklas Lichtenberger, LL.M. is a German attorney-at-law specialized on labor and employment law as well as tax law and transport law. Furthermore, he is proficient in international sale of goods as well as debt recovery and security rights. He provides counsel for numerous national and international corporations on all aspects of their cross-border trading-activities.

Niklas studied law at the Universities of Bonn and Münster. After completing his law studies with the first legal state exam, he continued his education with a master “European Law” at the Leiden University in the Netherlands.
After being admitted at the Geman Bar Association in 2011, Niklas Lichtenberger first worked for a law firm in the German-Dutch border area, counseling Dutch and German clients on their cross-border activities. He joined Lutze Rechtsanwälte in 2013 and became partner of Lutze Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB in 2018.

Niklas Lichtenberger speaks German, Dutch, English and French.